Senior Product Owner

Experis IT

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Senior Product Owner

Senior Product Owner

Looking for a Senior Product Owner that has excellent Financial Services experience. You would have experience in the product development life cycle, including post launch product management and iteration through to launch of new features and functionality. Exposure to leading an agile team including combined business, technical, data, design and research capabilities in a continual make-test-learn product cycle. Excellent Agile experience expected as is strong 3rd party management and stakeholder management. Interested in people that have help build and mould the product roadmap and have input into Product strategy. This is an opportunity to help mature the Product landscape in a fast growing financial institution, a fantastic opportunity!

This is a hybrid role, 1/2 days a week in the office. Please apply today for more details.

Descriere companie

Detalii oferta de angajare

14 Jan 2025

Locatia jobului

Liverpool, Merseyside

Tip job

Full time

Categorie job

Tehnologia informaţiei, Telecomunicaţii

Salariu lunar