Suntem în căutare de o persoană care să se alăture echipei noastre în calitate de Farmacist-Persoană Responsabilă!
Organizarea si conducerea depozitului de medicamente, de gestionare a produselor, de gestionare a relatiilor cu institutiile specializate ale statului in domeniul medicamentelor:
- Organizeaza si conduce activitatea si personalul din depozitul farmaceutic;
- Coordoneaza activitatea depozitului in ceea ce priveste: receptia, pastrarea, pregatirea produselor in vederea livrarii, expeditia si transportul la clienti, astfel incat sa se asigure trasabilitatea produselor si activitatilor;
- Se asigura de respectarea regulilor de buna practica, de distributie si de transabilitatea fiecarui produs;
- Pastreaza toate documentele, informatiile si inregistrarile tranzactiilor efectuate, necesare pentru asigurarea transabilitatii distributiei fiecarui medicament pana la distribuitorul en detail;
- Intocmeste, implementeaza si urmareste procedurile standard de operare si instructiunile de lucru;
- Desfasoara activitati de asigurarea calitatii in domeniul depozitarii/manipularii produselor farmaceutice (medicamente, dispozitive medicale, suplimente alimentare, produse psihotrope);
- Raspunde in fata autoritatilor pentru controalele pe linie profesionala si de buna desfasurare a activităţii depozitului;
- Implementeaza procesele si procedurile logistice de depozit si de aprovizionare, propune modalitati de imbunatatire;
- Coordoneaza si efectueaza cu promptitudine a operatiunilor de retragere a medicamentelor;
- Ia decizii cu privire la destinatia finala a produselor returnate, respinse, retrase sau falsificate;
- Aproba retururile in stocul comercializabil;
- Reprezinta la nivel local departamentul de asigurarea calitatii;
Candidatul ideal
Absolvent al Facultatii de Farmacie ;
Certificat de Membru al Colegiului Farmacistilor din Romania;
Cunostinte temeinice a legislatiei farmaceutice in vigoare;
Experienta de minim 3 ani pe această funcție este obligatorie;
Capacitate de înțelegere și rezolvare a problemelor
Flexibilitate in gândire
Limbaj expresiv și coerent
Ușurință, claritate și coerenta in exprimare
Persoanele interesate sunt rugate sa transmita CV-ul la adresa de e-mail [email protected]
Full time
Suntem în căutare de o persoană care să se alăture echipei noastre în calitate de Farmacist-Persoană Responsabilă!
Organizarea si conducerea depozitului de medicamente, de gestionare a produselor, de gestionare a relatiilor cu institutiile specializate ale statului in domeniul medicamentelor:
- Organizeaza si conduce activitatea si personalul din depozitul farmaceutic;
- Coordoneaza activitatea depozitului in ceea ce priveste: receptia, pastrarea, pregatirea produselor in vederea livrarii, expeditia si transportul la clienti, astfel incat sa se asigure trasabilitatea produselor si activitatilor;
- Se asigura de respectarea regulilor de buna practica, de distributie si de transabilitatea fiecarui produs;
- Pastreaza toate documentele, informatiile si inregistrarile tranzactiilor efectuate, necesare pentru asigurarea transabilitatii distributiei fiecarui medicament pana la distribuitorul en detail;
- Intocmeste, implementeaza si urmareste procedurile standard de operare si instructiunile de lucru;
- Desfasoara activitati de asigurarea calitatii in domeniul depozitarii/manipularii produselor farmaceutice (medicamente, dispozitive medicale, suplimente alimentare, produse psihotrope);
- Raspunde in fata autoritatilor pentru controalele pe linie profesionala si de buna desfasurare a activităţii depozitului;
- Implementeaza procesele si procedurile logistice de depozit si de aprovizionare, propune modalitati de imbunatatire;
- Coordoneaza si efectueaza cu promptitudine a operatiunilor de retragere a medicamentelor;
- Ia decizii cu privire la destinatia finala a produselor returnate, respinse, retrase sau falsificate;
- Aproba retururile in stocul comercializabil;
- Reprezinta la nivel local departamentul de asigurarea calitatii;
Candidatul ideal
Absolvent al Facultatii de Farmacie ;
Certificat de Membru al Colegiului Farmacistilor din Romania;
Cunostinte temeinice a legislatiei farmaceutice in vigoare;
Experienta de minim 3 ani pe această funcție este obligatorie;
Capacitate de înțelegere și rezolvare a problemelor
Flexibilitate in gândire
Limbaj expresiv și coerent
Ușurință, claritate și coerenta in exprimare
Persoanele interesate sunt rugate sa transmita CV-ul la adresa de e-mail [email protected]
We have a friendly, enthusiastic industrious team and we need your help! We are hoping to recruit A Lead Practice Nurse AND A Chronic Disease Nurse SALARY: £17 £25.00 per hour (negotiable depending on skill and experience please talk to us) HOURS: Negotiable (we are hoping to recruit two nurses. Please let us know what you can offer) Core hours are 08 00 on Monday, and 07 00 Tues-Fri. (may include occasional Saturday mornings) There will be a regular shift pattern, however overtime cover for holiday or sickness may be required. Protected administration time is included with this role. The potholders will use excellent communication skills to impart information between patients, and members of the practice team. A willingness to help patients, the business and support other team members is fundamental to this position! Please get in touch if you would like to discuss anything about this post. Job Ad will close when we find a right people! Click apply to send your CV to Hannah Holland (Deputy Practice Manager) Please make contact if you have any questions or you would like to take a look around. We ll hear from you soon. Telephone
Full time
We have a friendly, enthusiastic industrious team and we need your help! We are hoping to recruit A Lead Practice Nurse AND A Chronic Disease Nurse SALARY: £17 £25.00 per hour (negotiable depending on skill and experience please talk to us) HOURS: Negotiable (we are hoping to recruit two nurses. Please let us know what you can offer) Core hours are 08 00 on Monday, and 07 00 Tues-Fri. (may include occasional Saturday mornings) There will be a regular shift pattern, however overtime cover for holiday or sickness may be required. Protected administration time is included with this role. The potholders will use excellent communication skills to impart information between patients, and members of the practice team. A willingness to help patients, the business and support other team members is fundamental to this position! Please get in touch if you would like to discuss anything about this post. Job Ad will close when we find a right people! Click apply to send your CV to Hannah Holland (Deputy Practice Manager) Please make contact if you have any questions or you would like to take a look around. We ll hear from you soon. Telephone
Equipment Manager (m/w/d) - Labor / Bestandsverwaltung / Lieferantenmanagement /SAP /Deutsch Projekt: Für unseren Kunden Roche Diagnostics International AG mit Sitz in Rotkreuz suchen wir einen Equipment Manager (m/w/d) Hintergrund: Roche Diagnostics ist weltweit führend in der In-vitro-Diagnostik und ein Pionier in der Entwicklung innovativer diagnostischer Technologien. Unser Standort in Rotkreuz, Schweiz, ist ein dynamisches Zentrum für Forschung und Entwicklung (R&D). Hier arbeiten engagierte Teams daran, die neuesten diagnostischen Technologien zu entwickeln und zu testen. Innerhalb unserer R&D-Service-Abteilung ist das Equipment Management von zentraler Bedeutung für die Verwaltung und Wartung unserer hochmodernen Geräte. Diese Geräte sind unerlässlich für unsere Forschungs- und Entwicklungsaktivitäten. Zur Unterstützung dieser wichtigen Aufgaben suchen wir Verstärkung, um unsere Kapazitäten zu erweitern und die Effizienz sowie Zuverlässigkeit unserer Geräte sicherzustellen. Der oder die perfekte Kandidat:in: hat eine labornah Ausbildung und erste Erfahrungen in Forschung und Entwicklung, vorzugsweise in der Diagnostik- oder Pharmabranche. Er verfügt über Grundkenntnisse im Equipment Management sowie im Umgang mit Software wie SAP. Zudem spricht er fließend Deutsch und Englisch ist vom Vorteil. Hauptaufgaben und Verantwortungsbereiche: * Bestandsverwaltung: Unterstützung bei der Verwaltung des Equipment-Bestands im R& D-Bereich. .Instandhaltung: Regelmäßige Inspektion, Koordination bei Reparaturen von Geräten. . Lieferantenmanagement: Mitwirkung beim Aufbau und der Pflege von Lieferantenbeziehungen. . Dokumentation: Führen detaillierter Aufzeichnungen über das Equipment. . Risikomanagement: Unterstützung bei der Minimierung von Risiken im Zusammenhang mit dem Einsatz von Geräten. . Innovation und Verbesserung: Einbringen von Vorschlägen für Prozessverbesserungen im R&D-Bereich. . Qualifizierungen: Durchführung von vorgeschriebenen Qualifizierungen, z. B. für Kühlschränke. Must Haves: . Ausbildung: Im Labornahen Bereich oder vergleichbarem . Erste Berufserfahrung: Praktika oder erste Berufserfahrung im Bereich Forschung und Entwicklung in der Diagnostik- oder Pharmabranche sind von Vorteil. . Kenntnisse: Vorzugsweise Grundkenntnisse im Equipment-Management. . IT-Kenntnisse: Idealerweise Erfahrung mit Equipment-Management-Software und Laborinformationssystemen (z.B. SAP). . Fliessend in Deutsch und Englisch von Vorteil. . Kompetenzen: Problemlösungsfähigkeiten, organisatorische Fähigkeiten und Teamfähigkeit. Referenz Nr.: 923822TP Rolle: Equipment Manager (m/w/d) Industrie: Pharma Arbeitsort: Rotkreuz Pensum: 100% Start: 01.01.2025 Dauer: 12 Bewerbungsfrist : 25.11.2024 Sollte diese Position Ihr Interesse geweckt haben, senden Sie uns bitte Ihr komplettes zu. Über uns : ITech Consult ist ein nach ISO 9001:2015 zertifiziertes Schweizer Unternehmen mit Niederlassungen in Deutschland und Irland. ITech Consult ist spezialisiert auf die Vermittlung von hochqualifizierten Kandidaten für den Personalverleih in den Bereichen IT, Life Science & Engineering. Wir bieten Personalverleih & Payroll Dienstleistungen an. Für unsere Kandidaten ist dies kostenlos, auch bei Payroll berechnen wir Ihnen keine zusätzlichen Gebühren.
Equipment Manager (m/w/d) - Labor / Bestandsverwaltung / Lieferantenmanagement /SAP /Deutsch Projekt: Für unseren Kunden Roche Diagnostics International AG mit Sitz in Rotkreuz suchen wir einen Equipment Manager (m/w/d) Hintergrund: Roche Diagnostics ist weltweit führend in der In-vitro-Diagnostik und ein Pionier in der Entwicklung innovativer diagnostischer Technologien. Unser Standort in Rotkreuz, Schweiz, ist ein dynamisches Zentrum für Forschung und Entwicklung (R&D). Hier arbeiten engagierte Teams daran, die neuesten diagnostischen Technologien zu entwickeln und zu testen. Innerhalb unserer R&D-Service-Abteilung ist das Equipment Management von zentraler Bedeutung für die Verwaltung und Wartung unserer hochmodernen Geräte. Diese Geräte sind unerlässlich für unsere Forschungs- und Entwicklungsaktivitäten. Zur Unterstützung dieser wichtigen Aufgaben suchen wir Verstärkung, um unsere Kapazitäten zu erweitern und die Effizienz sowie Zuverlässigkeit unserer Geräte sicherzustellen. Der oder die perfekte Kandidat:in: hat eine labornah Ausbildung und erste Erfahrungen in Forschung und Entwicklung, vorzugsweise in der Diagnostik- oder Pharmabranche. Er verfügt über Grundkenntnisse im Equipment Management sowie im Umgang mit Software wie SAP. Zudem spricht er fließend Deutsch und Englisch ist vom Vorteil. Hauptaufgaben und Verantwortungsbereiche: * Bestandsverwaltung: Unterstützung bei der Verwaltung des Equipment-Bestands im R& D-Bereich. .Instandhaltung: Regelmäßige Inspektion, Koordination bei Reparaturen von Geräten. . Lieferantenmanagement: Mitwirkung beim Aufbau und der Pflege von Lieferantenbeziehungen. . Dokumentation: Führen detaillierter Aufzeichnungen über das Equipment. . Risikomanagement: Unterstützung bei der Minimierung von Risiken im Zusammenhang mit dem Einsatz von Geräten. . Innovation und Verbesserung: Einbringen von Vorschlägen für Prozessverbesserungen im R&D-Bereich. . Qualifizierungen: Durchführung von vorgeschriebenen Qualifizierungen, z. B. für Kühlschränke. Must Haves: . Ausbildung: Im Labornahen Bereich oder vergleichbarem . Erste Berufserfahrung: Praktika oder erste Berufserfahrung im Bereich Forschung und Entwicklung in der Diagnostik- oder Pharmabranche sind von Vorteil. . Kenntnisse: Vorzugsweise Grundkenntnisse im Equipment-Management. . IT-Kenntnisse: Idealerweise Erfahrung mit Equipment-Management-Software und Laborinformationssystemen (z.B. SAP). . Fliessend in Deutsch und Englisch von Vorteil. . Kompetenzen: Problemlösungsfähigkeiten, organisatorische Fähigkeiten und Teamfähigkeit. Referenz Nr.: 923822TP Rolle: Equipment Manager (m/w/d) Industrie: Pharma Arbeitsort: Rotkreuz Pensum: 100% Start: 01.01.2025 Dauer: 12 Bewerbungsfrist : 25.11.2024 Sollte diese Position Ihr Interesse geweckt haben, senden Sie uns bitte Ihr komplettes zu. Über uns : ITech Consult ist ein nach ISO 9001:2015 zertifiziertes Schweizer Unternehmen mit Niederlassungen in Deutschland und Irland. ITech Consult ist spezialisiert auf die Vermittlung von hochqualifizierten Kandidaten für den Personalverleih in den Bereichen IT, Life Science & Engineering. Wir bieten Personalverleih & Payroll Dienstleistungen an. Für unsere Kandidaten ist dies kostenlos, auch bei Payroll berechnen wir Ihnen keine zusätzlichen Gebühren.
We are looking for an experienced HCPC certified Educational Psychologist for an initial 3 month contract in Gloucester Daily Rate: Up to £450 per day (Inside IR35, via an umbrella company) Hybrid: Gloucester Role: To promote, develop and secure the highest standard of provision for pupils/students, families and schools within the given policy, budget and development framework of the Council. To contribute to the provision and development of an effective and high quality Educational Psychology Service in Gloucester. To contribute to improving the quality of education and standards of attainment of pupils especially the vulnerable and disadvantaged. To specifically contribute to, and complete, statutory advice as part of the EHCP process. Must have: A degree in Psychology HCPC (Health and Care Professionals Council) Driving Licence
We are looking for an experienced HCPC certified Educational Psychologist for an initial 3 month contract in Gloucester Daily Rate: Up to £450 per day (Inside IR35, via an umbrella company) Hybrid: Gloucester Role: To promote, develop and secure the highest standard of provision for pupils/students, families and schools within the given policy, budget and development framework of the Council. To contribute to the provision and development of an effective and high quality Educational Psychology Service in Gloucester. To contribute to improving the quality of education and standards of attainment of pupils especially the vulnerable and disadvantaged. To specifically contribute to, and complete, statutory advice as part of the EHCP process. Must have: A degree in Psychology HCPC (Health and Care Professionals Council) Driving Licence
Job Title: Registered Manager Location: London area Salary: £45,000/Yr. Duration: Permanent full time Speciality: Positive behaviour support, Autism, Learning disability, Complex needs. We are seeking a Registered Manager for a care provider with expertise in delivering services for young people, with Learning Disabilities, Autism & Complex Needs You will make sure that all support is provided in accordance with CQC rules, company's policy, and any other applicable laws, and that your team and services meet all statutory obligations. Experience and qualifications: Residential or Supported living background. Have a wealth of expertise working within the CQC Regulations. Be able to inspire and lead others to provide top quality care & provision. If you are an experienced professional who specialises in providing Health and care support, then this is the role for you. Please apply to the link below or get in touch with Vinay if you need more information on the role.
Full time
Job Title: Registered Manager Location: London area Salary: £45,000/Yr. Duration: Permanent full time Speciality: Positive behaviour support, Autism, Learning disability, Complex needs. We are seeking a Registered Manager for a care provider with expertise in delivering services for young people, with Learning Disabilities, Autism & Complex Needs You will make sure that all support is provided in accordance with CQC rules, company's policy, and any other applicable laws, and that your team and services meet all statutory obligations. Experience and qualifications: Residential or Supported living background. Have a wealth of expertise working within the CQC Regulations. Be able to inspire and lead others to provide top quality care & provision. If you are an experienced professional who specialises in providing Health and care support, then this is the role for you. Please apply to the link below or get in touch with Vinay if you need more information on the role.
Clinical Safety Officer - Remote - Up to £58k Are you passionate about delivering safe and innovative health IT solutions? A leading healthcare technology company is searching for an experienced Clinical Safety Officer (CSO) to play a key role in ensuring their products meet essential safety standards. This remote role offers up to £58,000 and is ideal for a mid-level professional with a strong background in clinical safety and health technology. As a Clinical Safety Officer, you'll be responsible for overseeing and managing the safety assurance of health IT software. You'll work closely with product, development, quality teams, and external partners to ensure that all software-related safety risks are properly assessed, mitigated, and documented. Your role will involve consulting with various teams during software development, ensuring that safety risks are continuously monitored and addressed across multiple disciplines. You will lead the process of documenting product safety risks, updating and maintaining hazard logs, and ensuring compliance with clinical safety standards such as DCB0129. In collaboration with the Learning and Development team, you will ensure that all staff receive the necessary clinical safety training, and you will play a key role in managing clinical risk procedures to ensure they are current and effective. Additionally, you will chair the Clinical Advisory Group and attend Change Advisory Board meetings to provide expert advice on clinical risks and sign off on risk mitigation measures. To excel in this role, you will need to demonstrate experience in clinical safety, particularly in relation to DCB0129 and DCB0160 standards. A deep understanding of the NHS environment and its regulations is highly desirable, as is familiarity with key clinical domains such as maternity, radiology, and electronic health records (EHR). Your ability to communicate complex safety risks and collaborate across teams will be crucial, and you should possess excellent interpersonal skills, a passion for safe healthcare, and a willingness to challenge current practices to drive improvement. This role offers a salary of up to £58k, as well as the chance to work in a forward-thinking, dynamic environment where patient safety is the top priority. You'll receive ongoing support and training to keep your clinical safety knowledge up to date, with access to both internal and external resources. Additionally, you'll have the opportunity to contribute to shaping and improving the safety procedures and protocols within the company, ensuring that their products deliver safe and effective outcomes for patients. If you are a highly motivated clinical safety professional with a desire to contribute to the future of healthcare technology, this could be the perfect opportunity for you. Apply now and join a company that's making a real difference in the digital health space! Modis International Ltd acts as an employment agency for permanent recruitment and an employment business for the supply of temporary workers in the UK. Modis Europe Ltd provide a variety of international solutions that connect clients to the best talent in the world. For all positions based in Switzerland, Modis Europe Ltd works with its licensed Swiss partner Accurity GmbH to ensure that candidate applications are handled in accordance with Swiss law. Both Modis International Ltd and Modis Europe Ltd are Equal Opportunities Employers. By applying for this role your details will be submitted to Modis International Ltd and/or Modis Europe Ltd. Our Candidate Privacy Information Statement which explains how we will use your information is available on the Modis website.
Full time
Clinical Safety Officer - Remote - Up to £58k Are you passionate about delivering safe and innovative health IT solutions? A leading healthcare technology company is searching for an experienced Clinical Safety Officer (CSO) to play a key role in ensuring their products meet essential safety standards. This remote role offers up to £58,000 and is ideal for a mid-level professional with a strong background in clinical safety and health technology. As a Clinical Safety Officer, you'll be responsible for overseeing and managing the safety assurance of health IT software. You'll work closely with product, development, quality teams, and external partners to ensure that all software-related safety risks are properly assessed, mitigated, and documented. Your role will involve consulting with various teams during software development, ensuring that safety risks are continuously monitored and addressed across multiple disciplines. You will lead the process of documenting product safety risks, updating and maintaining hazard logs, and ensuring compliance with clinical safety standards such as DCB0129. In collaboration with the Learning and Development team, you will ensure that all staff receive the necessary clinical safety training, and you will play a key role in managing clinical risk procedures to ensure they are current and effective. Additionally, you will chair the Clinical Advisory Group and attend Change Advisory Board meetings to provide expert advice on clinical risks and sign off on risk mitigation measures. To excel in this role, you will need to demonstrate experience in clinical safety, particularly in relation to DCB0129 and DCB0160 standards. A deep understanding of the NHS environment and its regulations is highly desirable, as is familiarity with key clinical domains such as maternity, radiology, and electronic health records (EHR). Your ability to communicate complex safety risks and collaborate across teams will be crucial, and you should possess excellent interpersonal skills, a passion for safe healthcare, and a willingness to challenge current practices to drive improvement. This role offers a salary of up to £58k, as well as the chance to work in a forward-thinking, dynamic environment where patient safety is the top priority. You'll receive ongoing support and training to keep your clinical safety knowledge up to date, with access to both internal and external resources. Additionally, you'll have the opportunity to contribute to shaping and improving the safety procedures and protocols within the company, ensuring that their products deliver safe and effective outcomes for patients. If you are a highly motivated clinical safety professional with a desire to contribute to the future of healthcare technology, this could be the perfect opportunity for you. Apply now and join a company that's making a real difference in the digital health space! Modis International Ltd acts as an employment agency for permanent recruitment and an employment business for the supply of temporary workers in the UK. Modis Europe Ltd provide a variety of international solutions that connect clients to the best talent in the world. For all positions based in Switzerland, Modis Europe Ltd works with its licensed Swiss partner Accurity GmbH to ensure that candidate applications are handled in accordance with Swiss law. Both Modis International Ltd and Modis Europe Ltd are Equal Opportunities Employers. By applying for this role your details will be submitted to Modis International Ltd and/or Modis Europe Ltd. Our Candidate Privacy Information Statement which explains how we will use your information is available on the Modis website.
Senior VP of Operations required by a rapidly growing pharmaceutical services organisation. You will need to have extensive experience working in a small to medium sized growing Pharma Service organisation or CRO within the Operations division, working directly with the C-suite. You will need to have a proven record of managing operations, with extensive prior experience of Project Managing Clinical Trials/Clinical Research and a deep understanding of Expanded Access Programmes (EAP's) and/or Named Patient Programmes (NPP's) and/or Compassionate Use Programmes (CUP's). Some logistics experience would be useful. Experience of building operations teams in Europe and APAC is also required. In addition, you must be an excellent communicator, able to be customer facing (when required) and present internally to the business. This is an exciting senior level opportunity working for a rapidly growing firm specialising phase 2, 3 and 4 clinical trials and the design, execution and logistics of expanded access, named patient and compassionate use programmes. This is a permanent position paying circa £150-200k + benefits which include a bonus and inclusion into the equity plan. This role allows hybrid working, with 1-2 days a week onsite required.
Full time
Senior VP of Operations required by a rapidly growing pharmaceutical services organisation. You will need to have extensive experience working in a small to medium sized growing Pharma Service organisation or CRO within the Operations division, working directly with the C-suite. You will need to have a proven record of managing operations, with extensive prior experience of Project Managing Clinical Trials/Clinical Research and a deep understanding of Expanded Access Programmes (EAP's) and/or Named Patient Programmes (NPP's) and/or Compassionate Use Programmes (CUP's). Some logistics experience would be useful. Experience of building operations teams in Europe and APAC is also required. In addition, you must be an excellent communicator, able to be customer facing (when required) and present internally to the business. This is an exciting senior level opportunity working for a rapidly growing firm specialising phase 2, 3 and 4 clinical trials and the design, execution and logistics of expanded access, named patient and compassionate use programmes. This is a permanent position paying circa £150-200k + benefits which include a bonus and inclusion into the equity plan. This role allows hybrid working, with 1-2 days a week onsite required.
Gonstead Physical Medicine
Albuquerque, New Mexico
A Chiropractor is responsible for helping patients achieve better spinal alignment and pain relief. Their duties include meeting with patients to discuss their current ailments, summarizing potential treatment options for patients and using their hands or specific tools to alleviate musculoskeletal pain. They are responsible for providing treatment plans and working within a team so that patients don t have to suffer anymore. ABOUT GONSTEAD PHYSICAL MEDICINE We are Gonstead Physical Medicine, we provide integrated medical clinics that focus on human movement and we are growing by the day. Our mission is to change the way healthcare is delivered to patients by creating medical treatment plans that allow patients to live pain-free lives. We are Results-Oriented and Accountable in our pursuit to see every team member reach their personal, professional, and financial goals through the work we do together. Our core values are the backbone of our business and guide our hiring process: we are Disciplined, have Integrity, are Aligned, Transparent, and Excellent. PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES Evaluate neuromusculoskeletal conditions of the body with a focus on biomechanical movement. Consult with patients by reviewing health and medical histories, asking questions, observing movements, conducting physical examinations, and reviewing X-rays Answer questions on their diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis. Motivate patients to achieve overall wellness through mind-body connections. Work closely with other healthcare professionals and patients in treating a variety of musculoskeletal conditions (as well as in treating those who do not have symptoms) to optimize long-term wellness Communicate effectively with patients and staff members on the importance of Integrated Healthcare Identify patient needs, develop outcome goals, recommend, and execute a functional healthcare plan that allows the patient to live a pain free life. Provide follow-up support for patients either in person, by phone. Participate in team meetings to develop comprehensive care plans for patients Conduct new patient and follow-up examinations Master the patient journey and office flow Master how to explain all therapies in the office and effectively communicate the why behind the use for the patient s healing process Manage patient records, entering visit notes and patient outcomes into electronic health software Report to lead doctor any opportunities for growth & development Participate in leadership development meeting Participate in daily zoom meetings Perform to meet the departments key performance indicators with excellence Keep the company s reputation to a high standard Train to communicate effectively with patients with the rest of the team Follow all operating procedures within the company Fully understand the company s core values, vision and mission Performs other related duties as assigned. KEY COMPETENCIES The requirements listed below represent the knowledge, skill, and/or ability required to succeed in this role, but are not necessarily all-inclusive. Ability to build relationships and educate patients on the benefits of regular Integrated healthcare Proven ability to motivate, inspire and lead the team in accomplishing collective goals Ability to develop meaningful relationships with patients, team, and community Ability to maintain confidentiality with individual interactions with patients Strong computer skills and highly proficient in MS Office Suite, Windows, and Google Suite Develop effective relationships with patients to better serve them, adjusting care plans based on patient feedback Experience successfully maintaining a positive attitude while working in a team environment with competing priorities Ability to think critically, assessing health data to help patients achieve health goals Strong written and verbal communication skills Ability to problem solve while Interacting with patients EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE Bachelor s degree in biology or related field Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) degree from an accredited college Passing score for professional examination, such as National Board of Chiropractic Examiners Licensure for location of practice Full eligibility for malpractice insurance in location of practice PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS Ability to spend prolonged periods of time standing, sitting, or walking Must be able to lift at least 50lbs Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential requirements. BENEFITS Dental Maintenance: 100% employer-paid. 3 Weeks Paid Holidays Partial CEU paid PTO Program Monthly bonus Incentive Career Advancement Professional Training & Development Opportunities Complimentary Chiropractic Care Employee discounts COMMITMENT TO DIVERSITY As an equal opportunity employer committed to meeting the needs of a multigenerational and multicultural workforce, Gonstead Physical Medicine recognizes that a diverse staff, reflective of our community, is an integral and welcome part of a successful and ethical business. We hire local talent at all levels regardless of race, color, religion, age, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, or disability. We actively foster inclusion in all forms within our company and across interactions with clients, candidates, and partners. If this position caught your eye, send us your resume! For best consideration, include the job title and source where you found this position in the subject line of your email. Already a Gonstead Physical Medicine candidate? Please connect directly with your recruiter to discuss this opportunity. Practice Style Multidisciplinary, Personal Injury, Rehabilitation, Sport Technique Diversified, Exercise Therapy, Gonstead, Graston, Myofascial, X-ray
Full time
A Chiropractor is responsible for helping patients achieve better spinal alignment and pain relief. Their duties include meeting with patients to discuss their current ailments, summarizing potential treatment options for patients and using their hands or specific tools to alleviate musculoskeletal pain. They are responsible for providing treatment plans and working within a team so that patients don t have to suffer anymore. ABOUT GONSTEAD PHYSICAL MEDICINE We are Gonstead Physical Medicine, we provide integrated medical clinics that focus on human movement and we are growing by the day. Our mission is to change the way healthcare is delivered to patients by creating medical treatment plans that allow patients to live pain-free lives. We are Results-Oriented and Accountable in our pursuit to see every team member reach their personal, professional, and financial goals through the work we do together. Our core values are the backbone of our business and guide our hiring process: we are Disciplined, have Integrity, are Aligned, Transparent, and Excellent. PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES Evaluate neuromusculoskeletal conditions of the body with a focus on biomechanical movement. Consult with patients by reviewing health and medical histories, asking questions, observing movements, conducting physical examinations, and reviewing X-rays Answer questions on their diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis. Motivate patients to achieve overall wellness through mind-body connections. Work closely with other healthcare professionals and patients in treating a variety of musculoskeletal conditions (as well as in treating those who do not have symptoms) to optimize long-term wellness Communicate effectively with patients and staff members on the importance of Integrated Healthcare Identify patient needs, develop outcome goals, recommend, and execute a functional healthcare plan that allows the patient to live a pain free life. Provide follow-up support for patients either in person, by phone. Participate in team meetings to develop comprehensive care plans for patients Conduct new patient and follow-up examinations Master the patient journey and office flow Master how to explain all therapies in the office and effectively communicate the why behind the use for the patient s healing process Manage patient records, entering visit notes and patient outcomes into electronic health software Report to lead doctor any opportunities for growth & development Participate in leadership development meeting Participate in daily zoom meetings Perform to meet the departments key performance indicators with excellence Keep the company s reputation to a high standard Train to communicate effectively with patients with the rest of the team Follow all operating procedures within the company Fully understand the company s core values, vision and mission Performs other related duties as assigned. KEY COMPETENCIES The requirements listed below represent the knowledge, skill, and/or ability required to succeed in this role, but are not necessarily all-inclusive. Ability to build relationships and educate patients on the benefits of regular Integrated healthcare Proven ability to motivate, inspire and lead the team in accomplishing collective goals Ability to develop meaningful relationships with patients, team, and community Ability to maintain confidentiality with individual interactions with patients Strong computer skills and highly proficient in MS Office Suite, Windows, and Google Suite Develop effective relationships with patients to better serve them, adjusting care plans based on patient feedback Experience successfully maintaining a positive attitude while working in a team environment with competing priorities Ability to think critically, assessing health data to help patients achieve health goals Strong written and verbal communication skills Ability to problem solve while Interacting with patients EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE Bachelor s degree in biology or related field Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) degree from an accredited college Passing score for professional examination, such as National Board of Chiropractic Examiners Licensure for location of practice Full eligibility for malpractice insurance in location of practice PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS Ability to spend prolonged periods of time standing, sitting, or walking Must be able to lift at least 50lbs Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential requirements. BENEFITS Dental Maintenance: 100% employer-paid. 3 Weeks Paid Holidays Partial CEU paid PTO Program Monthly bonus Incentive Career Advancement Professional Training & Development Opportunities Complimentary Chiropractic Care Employee discounts COMMITMENT TO DIVERSITY As an equal opportunity employer committed to meeting the needs of a multigenerational and multicultural workforce, Gonstead Physical Medicine recognizes that a diverse staff, reflective of our community, is an integral and welcome part of a successful and ethical business. We hire local talent at all levels regardless of race, color, religion, age, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, or disability. We actively foster inclusion in all forms within our company and across interactions with clients, candidates, and partners. If this position caught your eye, send us your resume! For best consideration, include the job title and source where you found this position in the subject line of your email. Already a Gonstead Physical Medicine candidate? Please connect directly with your recruiter to discuss this opportunity. Practice Style Multidisciplinary, Personal Injury, Rehabilitation, Sport Technique Diversified, Exercise Therapy, Gonstead, Graston, Myofascial, X-ray
About Us: Car Wreck Chiropractic is a thriving personal injury chiropractic clinic dedicated to providing high-quality healthcare services to patients who have suffered injuries due to accidents. We are committed to delivering effective chiropractic care, pain management, and rehabilitation services to help our patients recover and lead healthier lives. We are seeking a dynamic and experienced Clinic Director to lead our team and ensure the smooth and efficient operation of our clinic. Job Summary: As the Clinic Director at Car Wreck Chiropractic, you will play a pivotal role in overseeing the daily operations, managing staff, and maintaining a patient-centered environment. Your responsibilities will include strategic planning, staff management, financial oversight, and ensuring compliance with all relevant regulations. Key Responsibilities: Leadership and Management: Provide strong leadership and guidance to the clinic team, including chiropractors, medical assistants, administrative staff, and support personnel. Foster a positive and collaborative work environment, promoting teamwork and professional development. Develop and implement staff training and performance improvement programs. Patient Care and Satisfaction: Ensure that all patients receive the highest standard of care and customer service. Monitor patient feedback and address concerns or issues promptly to enhance patient satisfaction. Financial Management: Implement strategies to maximize clinic profitability and efficiency. Regulatory Compliance: Ensure that the clinic complies with all relevant laws, regulations, and licensing requirements. Stay updated on industry standards and best practices to maintain a safe and ethical environment. Strategic Planning: Develop and execute clinic growth strategies, including community outreach. Identify opportunities for expansion and improvement. Quality Assurance: Implement and monitor quality assurance and improvement processes to enhance patient outcomes. Foster a culture of continuous improvement in patient care and services. Qualifications: Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) degree and relevant state licensure. Proven experience in a managerial or leadership role within a chiropractic or medical setting. Strong knowledge of personal injury chiropractic care and relevant treatment methods. Excellent interpersonal, communication, and problem-solving skills. Proficiency in managing financial aspects of a clinic. A commitment to providing compassionate, patient-centered care. Knowledge of relevant healthcare regulations and compliance standards. Ability to lead and motivate a diverse team of healthcare professionals. Strong organizational and time management skills. Benefits: Competitive salary and performance-based bonuses. Paid malpractice insurance. Health and dental insurance. Continuing education opportunities. Paid time off and holidays. Supportive and collaborative work environment. If you are a dedicated chiropractic professional with strong leadership and management skills, and you are passionate about helping patients recover from personal injuries, we encourage you to apply for the Clinic Director position at Car Wreck Chiropractic. Join our team and make a difference in the lives of those we serve.
Full time
About Us: Car Wreck Chiropractic is a thriving personal injury chiropractic clinic dedicated to providing high-quality healthcare services to patients who have suffered injuries due to accidents. We are committed to delivering effective chiropractic care, pain management, and rehabilitation services to help our patients recover and lead healthier lives. We are seeking a dynamic and experienced Clinic Director to lead our team and ensure the smooth and efficient operation of our clinic. Job Summary: As the Clinic Director at Car Wreck Chiropractic, you will play a pivotal role in overseeing the daily operations, managing staff, and maintaining a patient-centered environment. Your responsibilities will include strategic planning, staff management, financial oversight, and ensuring compliance with all relevant regulations. Key Responsibilities: Leadership and Management: Provide strong leadership and guidance to the clinic team, including chiropractors, medical assistants, administrative staff, and support personnel. Foster a positive and collaborative work environment, promoting teamwork and professional development. Develop and implement staff training and performance improvement programs. Patient Care and Satisfaction: Ensure that all patients receive the highest standard of care and customer service. Monitor patient feedback and address concerns or issues promptly to enhance patient satisfaction. Financial Management: Implement strategies to maximize clinic profitability and efficiency. Regulatory Compliance: Ensure that the clinic complies with all relevant laws, regulations, and licensing requirements. Stay updated on industry standards and best practices to maintain a safe and ethical environment. Strategic Planning: Develop and execute clinic growth strategies, including community outreach. Identify opportunities for expansion and improvement. Quality Assurance: Implement and monitor quality assurance and improvement processes to enhance patient outcomes. Foster a culture of continuous improvement in patient care and services. Qualifications: Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) degree and relevant state licensure. Proven experience in a managerial or leadership role within a chiropractic or medical setting. Strong knowledge of personal injury chiropractic care and relevant treatment methods. Excellent interpersonal, communication, and problem-solving skills. Proficiency in managing financial aspects of a clinic. A commitment to providing compassionate, patient-centered care. Knowledge of relevant healthcare regulations and compliance standards. Ability to lead and motivate a diverse team of healthcare professionals. Strong organizational and time management skills. Benefits: Competitive salary and performance-based bonuses. Paid malpractice insurance. Health and dental insurance. Continuing education opportunities. Paid time off and holidays. Supportive and collaborative work environment. If you are a dedicated chiropractic professional with strong leadership and management skills, and you are passionate about helping patients recover from personal injuries, we encourage you to apply for the Clinic Director position at Car Wreck Chiropractic. Join our team and make a difference in the lives of those we serve.
Great opportunity. Great small town close to a bigger metropolis. Voted one of best places to live in the US. Clinic doctor is moving back home, so primed opportunity to take over existing patient based. Have the practice of your dreams without the agony of constant marketing. Starting pay $80,000 to $100,000 with bonuses after 6 months and the possibility to make double the starting pay. This opportunity won t come around very often. Quarterly bonus up to $210,000
Full time
Great opportunity. Great small town close to a bigger metropolis. Voted one of best places to live in the US. Clinic doctor is moving back home, so primed opportunity to take over existing patient based. Have the practice of your dreams without the agony of constant marketing. Starting pay $80,000 to $100,000 with bonuses after 6 months and the possibility to make double the starting pay. This opportunity won t come around very often. Quarterly bonus up to $210,000
You trained to be a Chiropractor to help people and have a good quality of life. But, if you are like many Chiropractor s it can become stressful, you get stuck and don t grow. You re not earning what you d like to, you find yourself isolated and out of love with Chiropractic. You deserve to have a fun and profitable practice. A place where you can impact patients' lives as part of a community of like minded chiropractors. That s Where We Come In Everything you need in one place. At Willow, we believe Chiropractors should be able to focus on their patients and their own professional mastery. By joining our community, you ll have the support system in place, where you have less stress, earn more, and can focus on being the Chiropractor you want to be in a wellness clinic that prioritises patient care. Here s How We Help: Master Your Craft, We ll Handle the Rest: Say goodbye to the distractions of management, marketing, and other administrative burdens. We ensure you have the time and space to focus on your patients and your growth. Personalized Career Development: With tailored mentorship and professional development with world-class coaches such as Brad Glowaki, we help you level up in your expertise and reach new heights in your professional mastery. A Community of Support : Join a team of like-minded professionals who are invested in your success. With our network, you can focus on your Chiropractic practice while we support your administrative needs. Incredible Clinics: Open plan clinics where we see over 100 visits a week Work-Life Balance: We prioritise your well-being with balanced schedules and a supportive workplace, so you can focus on delivering exceptional care and enjoying life outside of work. Unlock Your Earning Potential: Our compensation structure ensures you'll be profitable and increase your earnings. Focus on Your Patients and Your Passion We ve Got the Rest. When you join our community, you re free to focus on your purpose: changing lives and mastering yourself. You bring the passion and drive, and we ll take care of the noise. Together, we ll help you grow as a Chiropractor, while making a bigger impact on the lives you touch.
Full time
You trained to be a Chiropractor to help people and have a good quality of life. But, if you are like many Chiropractor s it can become stressful, you get stuck and don t grow. You re not earning what you d like to, you find yourself isolated and out of love with Chiropractic. You deserve to have a fun and profitable practice. A place where you can impact patients' lives as part of a community of like minded chiropractors. That s Where We Come In Everything you need in one place. At Willow, we believe Chiropractors should be able to focus on their patients and their own professional mastery. By joining our community, you ll have the support system in place, where you have less stress, earn more, and can focus on being the Chiropractor you want to be in a wellness clinic that prioritises patient care. Here s How We Help: Master Your Craft, We ll Handle the Rest: Say goodbye to the distractions of management, marketing, and other administrative burdens. We ensure you have the time and space to focus on your patients and your growth. Personalized Career Development: With tailored mentorship and professional development with world-class coaches such as Brad Glowaki, we help you level up in your expertise and reach new heights in your professional mastery. A Community of Support : Join a team of like-minded professionals who are invested in your success. With our network, you can focus on your Chiropractic practice while we support your administrative needs. Incredible Clinics: Open plan clinics where we see over 100 visits a week Work-Life Balance: We prioritise your well-being with balanced schedules and a supportive workplace, so you can focus on delivering exceptional care and enjoying life outside of work. Unlock Your Earning Potential: Our compensation structure ensures you'll be profitable and increase your earnings. Focus on Your Patients and Your Passion We ve Got the Rest. When you join our community, you re free to focus on your purpose: changing lives and mastering yourself. You bring the passion and drive, and we ll take care of the noise. Together, we ll help you grow as a Chiropractor, while making a bigger impact on the lives you touch.
Job Type: Part/Full-Time (Monday-Thursday, 8am-5pm) Job Summary: Advanced Neuropathy Center is seeking a highly skilled and passionate Chiropractor to join our team at our neuropathy clinic. You will play a crucial role in providing a diagnosis, as well as exceptional care to our patients suffering from peripheral neuropathy. Your expertise and dedication will help improve their quality of life by assigning customized treatment plans that get to the root-cause of peripheral neuropathy. You will monitor patients' progress as they go through their treatment program, as well as their care after the treatment program is complete. Responsibilities: Perform the Toronto Clinical Neuropathy Score Examination, including evaluating symptoms, reviewing medical history and conducting a consultation. Diagnose and treat patients with neuropathy, including peripheral neuropathy, diabetic neuropathy, and other related conditions. Develop and assign personalized treatment plans based on individual patient needs and goals. Treat patients with Class IV Laser Therapy, Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy and Vibration Therapy in the office. Teach patients how to use their home therapy devices including Red Light Therapy Boots, ReBuilder Medical Kits and Nutritional Supplementation. Monitor and track patients' progress throughout their treatment journey, making adjustments to the treatment plan as necessary. Educate patients on self-care techniques, lifestyle modifications, and preventive measures to manage their neuropathy effectively. Stay updated with the latest research and advancements in the field of chiropractic and neuropathy to provide evidence-based care. Maintain accurate and detailed patient records, including treatment plans, progress notes, and billing information. Weekly training with case managers to improve skills and increase patient start rate. Qualifications: Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) degree from an accredited chiropractic college. Valid chiropractic license in Idaho Empathy and compassion for patients dealing with chronic pain and neurological disorders. Effective communication skills to explain complex medical concepts to patients and collaborate with other healthcare professionals. Ability to work independently as well as in a team environment. Strong organizational and time management skills. Specialization or additional training in neuropathy is NOT required. Adjusting NOT required
Full time
Job Type: Part/Full-Time (Monday-Thursday, 8am-5pm) Job Summary: Advanced Neuropathy Center is seeking a highly skilled and passionate Chiropractor to join our team at our neuropathy clinic. You will play a crucial role in providing a diagnosis, as well as exceptional care to our patients suffering from peripheral neuropathy. Your expertise and dedication will help improve their quality of life by assigning customized treatment plans that get to the root-cause of peripheral neuropathy. You will monitor patients' progress as they go through their treatment program, as well as their care after the treatment program is complete. Responsibilities: Perform the Toronto Clinical Neuropathy Score Examination, including evaluating symptoms, reviewing medical history and conducting a consultation. Diagnose and treat patients with neuropathy, including peripheral neuropathy, diabetic neuropathy, and other related conditions. Develop and assign personalized treatment plans based on individual patient needs and goals. Treat patients with Class IV Laser Therapy, Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy and Vibration Therapy in the office. Teach patients how to use their home therapy devices including Red Light Therapy Boots, ReBuilder Medical Kits and Nutritional Supplementation. Monitor and track patients' progress throughout their treatment journey, making adjustments to the treatment plan as necessary. Educate patients on self-care techniques, lifestyle modifications, and preventive measures to manage their neuropathy effectively. Stay updated with the latest research and advancements in the field of chiropractic and neuropathy to provide evidence-based care. Maintain accurate and detailed patient records, including treatment plans, progress notes, and billing information. Weekly training with case managers to improve skills and increase patient start rate. Qualifications: Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) degree from an accredited chiropractic college. Valid chiropractic license in Idaho Empathy and compassion for patients dealing with chronic pain and neurological disorders. Effective communication skills to explain complex medical concepts to patients and collaborate with other healthcare professionals. Ability to work independently as well as in a team environment. Strong organizational and time management skills. Specialization or additional training in neuropathy is NOT required. Adjusting NOT required
OneMedical Group is growing in Minehead. From February 2024 we have been delivering excellent care services to the patients and communities around Minehead Medical Centre . Thus, we re looking for dedicated Clinical Lead to join our team in Minehead , and ensure the safe, effective and compliant delivery of service to all our patients in the area. The Clinical Lead 's time will be split (75% & 25%) between clinical sessions, whereby they will lead by example effectively treating patients, and clinical leadership and supervision sessions, where they will provide clinical guidance, leadership and support to their team, ensuring that the day-to-day clinical operations of the service run smoothly. The Clinical Lead can be a GP or an Advanced Nurse Practitioner with experience and / or interest in leadership. The Clinical Lead will support the Business Manager in the performance of their service including Key Performance Indicators, financial effectiveness, and quality schedules. The post holder will also support with the design and delivery of a model of care that gives the best care to the patient population registered with the service. As with all Leaders within our NHS Services, the Clinical Lead is expected to harness a working environment which encourages team work, energy and creativity. To achieve this, they have strong leadership and excellent problem-solving skills along with good communication skills, demonstrating the ability to empower, enable and bring teams together to improve patient care, outcomes and effectiveness. What we re looking for Be a qualified GP/ANP with interest in leadership For GPs: a current registration with GMC and be on the NHS performers list (with no conditions preventing working or restrictions on practice) For ANPs: a current registration with the NMC or other professional body; MSc in Advanced Practice; a Non-medical Prescribing qualification Experience and understanding of working in a Primary Care environment Sound knowledge of clinical governance Desirably, have experience in auditing and quality improvement Desirably, have experience in managing change in a clinical environment Why join us? Our Benefits; Competitive salary, depending on experience and background Appointments are 15 minutes long NHS Pension with 20.6% Employer Contribution Indemnity cover for the hours worked 10% of weekly hours set aside for CPD time, if a GP Annual leave entitlement: up to 30 days per year plus Bank Holidays (depending on background) Extra days leave for work anniversary each year 5 days study leave per annum (pro rata for part time) Enhanced Maternity, Maternity/Paternity/Adoption pay Family friendly employment policies Up to 5 days per year Special and Significant Event Leave Continued personal and professional development Participation in OMG s refer a friend scheme Internal wellbeing support through OMGs Wellbeing Advisors 24/7 free access to an Employee Assistance Program run by awarding winning Health Assured Eye care scheme free eye test plus a contribution towards glasses Cycle to work scheme Access to NHS Discounts About Minehead Medical Centre Minehead is a coastal town in Somerset, lying on the south bank of the Bristol Channel and within easy reach of Bristol, Taunton, and Yeovil. The town is surrounded by beautiful scenery, Exmoor national park, and some fantastic walks and cycle routes. In February 2024, OneMedical Group took over Minehead Medical Centre. We are working closely with the team and local stakeholders to improve and develop the service. It's an exciting time to join us, as the service continues its transformational journey. As a team we re passionate about what we do, making sure that patients are receiving the best care possible and in the right way for them. Who we are OneMedical Group is a family run organisation with our co-founders still involved in supporting our teams to be at their best. We have an ambitious strategy and mission, one that is shared and supported by our whole Group. The Group was started with the vision of delivering healthcare differently, and to make a real difference to the communities that we work with. The team is made up of forward thinking and people centred individuals with different skills and abilities, where you can learn from each other and make a positive and valuable impact. OneMedical Group is committed to promoting equality of opportunity for all job applicants. Throughout the recruitment process we want all candidates to be at their best. If you would like to discuss the support options available during the recruitment process please email:
Full time
OneMedical Group is growing in Minehead. From February 2024 we have been delivering excellent care services to the patients and communities around Minehead Medical Centre . Thus, we re looking for dedicated Clinical Lead to join our team in Minehead , and ensure the safe, effective and compliant delivery of service to all our patients in the area. The Clinical Lead 's time will be split (75% & 25%) between clinical sessions, whereby they will lead by example effectively treating patients, and clinical leadership and supervision sessions, where they will provide clinical guidance, leadership and support to their team, ensuring that the day-to-day clinical operations of the service run smoothly. The Clinical Lead can be a GP or an Advanced Nurse Practitioner with experience and / or interest in leadership. The Clinical Lead will support the Business Manager in the performance of their service including Key Performance Indicators, financial effectiveness, and quality schedules. The post holder will also support with the design and delivery of a model of care that gives the best care to the patient population registered with the service. As with all Leaders within our NHS Services, the Clinical Lead is expected to harness a working environment which encourages team work, energy and creativity. To achieve this, they have strong leadership and excellent problem-solving skills along with good communication skills, demonstrating the ability to empower, enable and bring teams together to improve patient care, outcomes and effectiveness. What we re looking for Be a qualified GP/ANP with interest in leadership For GPs: a current registration with GMC and be on the NHS performers list (with no conditions preventing working or restrictions on practice) For ANPs: a current registration with the NMC or other professional body; MSc in Advanced Practice; a Non-medical Prescribing qualification Experience and understanding of working in a Primary Care environment Sound knowledge of clinical governance Desirably, have experience in auditing and quality improvement Desirably, have experience in managing change in a clinical environment Why join us? Our Benefits; Competitive salary, depending on experience and background Appointments are 15 minutes long NHS Pension with 20.6% Employer Contribution Indemnity cover for the hours worked 10% of weekly hours set aside for CPD time, if a GP Annual leave entitlement: up to 30 days per year plus Bank Holidays (depending on background) Extra days leave for work anniversary each year 5 days study leave per annum (pro rata for part time) Enhanced Maternity, Maternity/Paternity/Adoption pay Family friendly employment policies Up to 5 days per year Special and Significant Event Leave Continued personal and professional development Participation in OMG s refer a friend scheme Internal wellbeing support through OMGs Wellbeing Advisors 24/7 free access to an Employee Assistance Program run by awarding winning Health Assured Eye care scheme free eye test plus a contribution towards glasses Cycle to work scheme Access to NHS Discounts About Minehead Medical Centre Minehead is a coastal town in Somerset, lying on the south bank of the Bristol Channel and within easy reach of Bristol, Taunton, and Yeovil. The town is surrounded by beautiful scenery, Exmoor national park, and some fantastic walks and cycle routes. In February 2024, OneMedical Group took over Minehead Medical Centre. We are working closely with the team and local stakeholders to improve and develop the service. It's an exciting time to join us, as the service continues its transformational journey. As a team we re passionate about what we do, making sure that patients are receiving the best care possible and in the right way for them. Who we are OneMedical Group is a family run organisation with our co-founders still involved in supporting our teams to be at their best. We have an ambitious strategy and mission, one that is shared and supported by our whole Group. The Group was started with the vision of delivering healthcare differently, and to make a real difference to the communities that we work with. The team is made up of forward thinking and people centred individuals with different skills and abilities, where you can learn from each other and make a positive and valuable impact. OneMedical Group is committed to promoting equality of opportunity for all job applicants. Throughout the recruitment process we want all candidates to be at their best. If you would like to discuss the support options available during the recruitment process please email: